Dare Greatly
VP Design
During my stay at AT&T, I led the Digital Design Organization with a diverse and talented team of 175 creative directors, designers, technologists, researchers, and producers with studios in New York, Seattle, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Dallas. Our Design Organization provides Center of Excellence leadership across all CX, UX/UI, Design, and Research and drives design integration with partnerships in Brand, Marketing, Business, and Product. As part of the CTO’s Digital Transformation initiative, I served as a direct report, thought leader, and executive creative director to redesign all of AT&T’s digital properties including and all customer and employee digital touch points. By creating a “Window into AT&T” including a complete redesign of the site, platform, content strategy, episodic programming, original photography, and component based design standards, our team has fundamentally shifted the site to engage with a younger audience and express AT&T’s evolving brand story around Meaningful Connections. I have also served on the Executive Creative Council across the organization, as well as the Culture Council within the Digital Org and have successfully built solid partnerships across the corporate structure.